Busting Brackets

5 Holiday gifts of the college basketball season

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Twitter Banter

David Lee is so locked in. Mandatory Credit: Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports

Want to know who is right about everything related to college basketball? Just head to the mean streets of Twitter and some dude will let you know. That same fella or lady will also let you know who is a dope when it comes to college basketball knowledge — and guess what? It is you! Well, unless you agree with him.

Admittedly, Twitter is a great place. I get memes I never wanted shoved in my face, someone telling me about the ways the Knicks can be fixed if they just got rid of James Dolan (because, you know, firing owners is possible) and every now and then I get the treat of seeing a selfie of a 490582385932849583920-pound person who is showing off their Christmas cookies — if you know what I mean. God, man, please, I hope — for your sake — you have no idea what I mean.

Regardless of the ways you might use Twitter, it is a great place to have a nice debate with normal people. Finding those normal people are the hard part.

Alas, having an argument with a guy who is convinced that a player from his favorite team, who is averaging 3.4 ppg, is great and a borderline first-round draft pick, will never be old. Because, I mean, nothing says knowledge like screaming about your backup off-guard being a lotto pick.

Really, it is a jolly hoot.