Busting Brackets

5 Holiday gifts of the college basketball season

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College Basketball Makes Google Swell

Thank you, Google. Mandatory Credit: Mark D. Smith-USA TODAY Sports

College basketball is big. Not in terms of ratings or anything, but in size. There happens to be over 300 Division I programs (quick, if you name them all in 200 seconds you get a free nothing from the Fakewedontcareaboutyou Company!). That means there are thousands of basketball players, coaches and cheerleaders to look at. Um, I mean, appreciate.

It also makes my appreciation for Google go sky-high.

Saw a game featuring Gods’gift Achiuwa? Need to know what in the hell his name is all about? Google, folks. Same can be applied to that pretty Kansas cheerleader. The Google Machine will allow you to stalk her until you find her Twitter handle. Then, who knows, maybe it is drinks at TGI Fridays!

It also helps you find some great articles related to college basketball — sans this one, obviously.

Google, really, is the greatest holiday present ever. Then, when you couple it with college basketball because this is a college basketball related website, it becomes even more gnarly. It is the gift that keeps giving.

For whatever you need. Basketball info, contacts, porn, recipes, porn, eligibility issues, gifs, gifs featuring porn, basketball players doing porn, gift ideas, if Rick Pitino is doing porn with Al Pacino, finding out if Josh Pastner is single or doing porn, Google has your back.

Happy Holidays to everyone from us

who are likely watching porn

at Busting Brackets.

(Man, everything I write is a REAAAAAALY long walk for one joke. What? Is that porn….)