John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports
With one day of action in the books, the 2014 NCAA Tournament will look to keep up with Thursday’s pace today. Which will be hard and all because eleventy-billion overtime games are pretty tough to top.
Below is the broadcast schedule for today’s action. Below that will be a live thread of our writers, readers and general basketball fans shooting the, you know, stuff.
Feel free to drop a line, comment on the games or ask one of us about the potential stock price of hair reproduction products. If not that, whatever you want.
Second Round Games |
Friday Afternoon, March 21 (NOON-6:00 PM, ET)
Tip (ET)
12:15 p.m.CBSRaleigh IDuke vs. MercerHarlan/Elmore/Miller/NicholsCraig Silver/Mike Arnold12:40 p.m.truTVSan Antonio IBaylor vs. NebraskaMarv Albert/Steve Kerr//Craig SagerScott Cockerill/Lonnie Dale1:40 p.m.TBSSt. Louis INew Mexico vs. StanfordJim Nantz/Greg Anthony//Tracy WolfsonMark Wolff/Bob Fishman2:10 p.m.TNTSan Diego IArizona vs. Weber StateAndrew Catalon/Mike Gminski//Otis LivingstonVic Frank/Andy GoldbergAfter conc. ICBSRaleigh IIMassachusetts vs. Iowa/TennesseeHarlan/Elmore/Miller/NicholsSilver/ArnoldAfter conc. ItruTVSan Antonio IICreighton vs. La. LafayetteAlbert/Kerr//SagerCockerill/DaleAfter conc. ITBSSt. Louis IIKansas vs. Eastern KentuckyNantz/Anthony//WolfsonWolff/FishmanAfter conc. ITNTSan Diego IIGonzaga vs. Oklahoma StateCatalon/Gminski//LivingstonFrank/Goldberg
Second Round Games
Friday Evening, March 21 (6:30 PM, ET-Midnight)
Tip (ET)
Play-by-Play/Analyst//ReporterProducer/Director6:55 p.m.TBSRaleigh IIIMemphis vs. George WashingtonHarlan/Elmore/Miller/NicholsSilver/Arnold7:10 p.m.CBSSt. Louis IIIWichita State vs.Cal Poly/Texas SouthernNantz/Anthony//WolfsonWolff/Fishman7:20 p.m.TNTSan Antonio IIINorth Carolina vs. ProvidenceAlbert/Kerr//SagerCockerill/Dale7:27 p.m.truTVSan Diego IIIVCU vs.Stephen F. AustinCatalon/Gminski//LivingstonFrank/GoldbergAfter conc. IIITBSRaleigh IVVirginia vs.Coastal CarolinaHarlan/Elmore/Miller/NicholsSilver/ArnoldAfter conc. IIICBSSt. Louis IVKentucky vs. Kansas StateNantz/Anthony//WolfsonWolff/FishmanAfter conc. IIITNTSan Antonio IVIowa State vs.N.C. CentralAlbert/Kerr//SagerCockerill/DaleAfter conc. IIItruTVSan Diego IVUCLA vs. TulsaCatalon/Gminski//Livingston