Busting Brackets

Northwestern mascot Willie the Wildcat says goodbye to old court (video)

Poor Willie the Wildcat. He is, apparently, really taking the makeover the Northwestern Wildcats are giving their arena over the summer really hard. I mean, dude is acting like he is losing the love of his life or something. Don’t believe me? Well, just look at Willie the Wildcat saying later to the old Northwestern hardwood. I hope you have tissues at the ready, friends.

If I knew how to enter a sad face emjoi — or whatever they are called — I certainly would. I didn’t even take it this hard when my puppy, Ketchup, moved to the farm when I was a kid — and, trust me, Ketchup was the goat of dogs. A dog-goat  or goat-dog, if you will.

In all seriousness, kind of, Welsh-Ryan Arena is ridding themselves of the old scoreboard and in its place will be a slick dual-sided, HD video board.

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Northwestern was kind enough to photoshop the new scoreboard and release it for the public’s pleasure. I am not too sure if it will help Willie the Wildcat from his current alcoholic bender, but here they are.

Northwestern Athletics

That is just the cheap seats view. What if you were rich with the cash and could seat behind the baskets?

Northwestern Athletics

But let us be honest with each other, if you were rich with the loot, you would be watching Duke play.