Don’t want to wait until November to read up on the 2019-20 NCAA basketball season? Here is a way-too-early look at who some of the top teams might be.
There is no offseason in NCAA basketball. Well, there is, but not with regards to writing about it. Even though the 2018-19 campaign is now complete (congratulations, Virginia), it is already time to start thinking about the next season. For the most part, this centers around the recruiting and transfer markets but it is never too early to start talking about who the best teams might be. Although these rankings are sure to change in the coming weeks with the importance of the transfer market and several top-rated recruits still undecided, this is always a fun exercise.
Before diving into the rankings, I want to admit up front that these are way, way, way too early. With over 500 players currently in the transfer portal, it is impossible to determine exactly what each roster will look like and some programs are still not quite sure on who their head coach will be for the next season. With this said, though, I love the discussion that comes as a result of these way-too-early rankings. College basketball fans are some of the best around because of how engaging the sport can be for 365 days per year. And while this past season may have just concluded, the future is always entertaining to look at.
So, without any further ado, let’s dive right into my way-way-way-way-too-early top-25 for the 2019-20 season. There are plenty of familiar faces headlining this last (as you would expect) but also some new ones sprinkled throughout as those who could be in for big years.
Others Considered: Way, way, way too many to list. Around 75-100 teams were analyzed to determine their potential to be ranked at this point. The predictions should look far more clear once the markets clear up with regards to recruiting, transfers, and the NBA Draft.