LSU Basketball: NCAA finds Will Wade responsible for impermissable benefits
By Bryan Mauro
What’s Next?
Previously an article was written outlining the sanctions already put forth on many programs by the NCAA. It was mentioned that the NCAA was still deliberating on what to do for the LSU program.
What has also been outlined is the way the NCAA moves its violations up the chain. The NCAA has established through all of this an independent accountability process. The NCAA uses the independent review for large infractions and because of the nature of the infractions, the NCAA wants to send it to the independent review.
The NCAA vice president of enforcement Jonathan Duncan wrote a letter that provided a little more background as to why the independent review is going to be used. Duncan wrote “Many of those factors for the independent review process are triggered by coach Will Wade.
His actions gave rise to this case and his tactics during the investigation have delayed the resolution dramatically. Coach Wade is employed in a leadership position at LSU and the institution has been unable to secure his cooperation and is accountable for his behavior.”
It also should be no secret for anyone who has followed the investigation how much Coach Wade seemingly doesn’t care about any of this. The way he has carried himself throughout the entire thing and his general smugness and overall apathy towards the whole investigation has not sat right with a lot of people. Given the NCAA’s track record with these types of things and their reluctance to come down hard on the money-making schools leaves many to wonder if this is going to be a changing of the guard?
Will the NCAA finally come down hard on these schools? Many believe this is just going to be a further slap on the wrist and plugging of a leak so to speak. If LSU walks away from this without any major sanctions or punishment, then has the NCAA done anything to curb and stop the behavior?