As another Sunday arrives and we get closer and closer to Championship Week. The first tournaments start on February 28th to be exact. That means there are only a few more Sunday Mailbag articles left before the main event of the NCAA Basketball season, the NCAA tournament. We say this every year but I am going to say it again, this season we are in for a treat because there are no dominant teams. I can find a flaw with every team in the country right now. There was a lot that happened and some things need to be cleared up before we head into the home stretch of the college basketball season.
In this edition of key storylines to watch, I want to get a few things off of my chest. I have seen a lot of things floating around the Twitterverse about NET and why it is so important. I will get into all of that. There is also a lot of chatter about the former NCAA runner-up and if they are safe heading into March. The final question is going to take us to Oklahoma where we are going to look at a team who may once again be the darling of the NCAA tournament. There are only three questions this week because the answers, like always, will be very in-depth.
Thank you all for always reading this article and giving it a chance to be successful. Without the readers, none of this would be possible. This is my favorite article to write all week. I do enjoy giving you all some insight into my brain when it comes to questions about this great sport we all love. I do hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. This week’s topics are below.